JSS Medical College opens door for Indian medical students displaced in Ukraine, other foreign countries
1 min read
Mysuru: As a part of Internationalization and to support education, as desired by Suttur Seer Sri Shivarathri Deshikendra Mahaswamiji, Suttur Srikshetra, it is resolved to support the displaced Indian Students who were studying medical course abroad (including Ukraine, Russia, China etc.,).
This support will be in the form of a bridging course as permissible by law. The students will be trained depending on which semester / year they were pursuing the course abroad, according to the registrar of JSS Academy of Higher Education and Research (JSSAHER).
Theory and practical classes will be conducted and clinical observership will be provided along with skill training using skill lab and virtual case scenario.
No fee will be charged for these students, however, they should make their own arrangements for boarding and lodging.
This programme is offered as purely transient academic support for students who are in distress.
Students who are desirous to utilize the bridge course may contact Dr Sunil Kumar D, Associate Professor of Community Medicine, JSS Medical College, Mobile: +91 6366366663 or send email to jiii@jssuni.edu.in
– Team Mysoorunews